Mission House Lecture: Nurturing a New Vision of Equity and Inclusion for People with Disabilities in the Academy, Church and Public Square

Oct 20th, 2022

Ley Chapel

Mission House Lecture: Nurturing a New Vision of Equity and Inclusion for People with Disabilities in the Academy, Church and Public Square

Diana Ventura holds a PhD in Practical Theology and Spirituality Studies from Boston University School of Theology, where she serves as an adjunct faculty member. She teaches courses designed to combat ableism and promote social justice. Dr. Ventura’s teaching and research explores a wide range of topics, including disability studies, chronic disease, health, aging, research methods, spirituality and Christian mysticism. She is the author of Our Fractured Wholeness: Making the Courageous Journey from Brokenness to Love (Wipf & Stock, 2010). Dr. Ventura’s current book project (forthcoming Brill press) integrates the study of disability, theology and spirituality to develop proposals for individual and social transformation. She is Chief Data Administrator for the Center for Biostatistics in AIDS Research (CBAR) at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, where she plays a critical role managing data quality for clinical research trials focused on infectious diseases, such as HIV, tuberculosis, and COVID-19.

Luncheon Invitation (for faculty and staff only)

You are invited to join us for a luncheon immediately following the lecture. Dr. Diana Ventura will answer questions about her program. The lunch will be held in the Ley Chapel.
Luncheon cost is $12 per person, and reservations are required by Oct. 10.

Please register by Oct. 10 online below, or contact Bonnie Ziegler at Zieglerbl@lakeland.edu or 920-565-1021, ext. 2151.

Register Now!

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