Jan 2021 – Muskie Pride

A Celebration for Our December Graduates

“The experience here at Lakeland was life changing for me,” December graduate Jean Louis said during a celebration of the December main campus grads.

Co-Op program featured on national website


Lakeland University’s award-winning Cooperative Education Program was highlighted in Yahoo!Finance recently. Read more about how Vincent Hoderny, former Lakeland University chemistry student, used his experiences during college to secure a role at MilliporeSigma.

Lakeland’s own Director of Dining Services featured in BizTimes Media


Congratulations to Mark Wagner and his amazing team in Dining Services for their exemplary service to the university and their great work in the community.

Versatile group of leaders named to LU Board of Trustees

Lakeland University has added five members to its Board of Trustees, a group of regional and state leaders that includes two Lakeland graduates.

Senior makes most of her Co-Op experiences

Lakeland senior Jazmine Tidwell was intrigued by the benefits of LU’s Cooperative Education program, and she’s taking full advantage of her Co-Op experiences.


Muskies Helping Muskies

Our alumni are represented in a variety of work environments and are eager to share advice and help our current students! 

Whether it is mentoring, job shadowing or helping with practice interviews, there are many opportunities to assist current Muskies in their education. Are you ready to help another Muskie out?

Giving Back

Lakeland is successful because of people like you.

Whether you are an alum or a friend of the university, we are so thankful for the support. Each gift directly impacts our students and their futures.

What else is happening at LU?​

Don’t miss out on all the other news happening at Lakeland! Our blog features a more in depth look on what we are doing, our students are doing and more!

Help us keep in touch with you!

You enjoy reading news about your classmates and friends – they would love to read about you, too. Did you move? Get married? Get a new job? Let us know so we can keep you informed and include your changes in the “Alma Matters” section of the magazine.

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