6 p.m.
Lakeland University - Milwaukee Center
You're invited to join us for a brief Preview Night to learn more about Lakeland's Milwaukee Co-op Year, a 100% tuition-funded, exploratory first-year collegiate experience. We will be sharing a presentation to discuss how Lakeland blends traditional general education coursework with credit-bearing, paid professional work experience for students to provide a low-risk and highly rewarding first year of college in Milwaukee. After completing the Co-Op Year, students will be able to:
Students, parents, siblings and other family members are invited to attend. Light snacks, beverages, and Lakeland swag will be available for attendees.
If you are unable to attend, but are interested in learning more, please reach out to KJ Odom to schedule a one-on-one virtual or in-person visit at our Milwaukee Center - OdomK@Lakeland.edu or (920) 565-1022 ext. 2136.