Lakeland University's Student Organizations

Clubs & Organizations: Get Involved

At Lakeland, students have the opportunity to join a variety of clubs and organizations on campus. Your experience is what you make of it—whether you're looking to develop new skills, expand your network, or simply have fun, there’s something for everyone. Many students find that their involvement leads to personal growth, lifelong friendships, and some of their most memorable college moments.

All student clubs and organizations are open to all students, providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone to get involved!

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Academic Organizations |
Marketing | Data Science | Accounting | Business Administration | Cooperative Education | Hospitality Management | Nonprofit Management (Courses) | Organizational Leadership & Development |

The goal of the Accounting Club is to promote Lakeland University's accounting department, provide a social forum for fun and educational accounting related experiences and to increase student awareness of opportunities in the field of accounting.

Diversity and Inclusion |

To connect and unite Hispanic professionals, students and the community with rich heritage, strong leadership and impactful initiatives. This group is open to all students.

Academic Organizations |
Criminal Justice | Cooperative Education |

Alpha Phi Sigma recognizes the academic excellence of undergraduate and graduates Criminal Justice students. Alpha Phi Sigma strives to promote academic excellence, community service involvement, and unity. Alpha Phi Sigma is the only national Criminal Justice Honor Society.

Greek Organizations |

Founded in 2022, Alpha Phi Iota is one of the newest Greek organizations at Lakeland University. It is also the first Latin/o/x-based Co-ed fraternity founded at Lakeland. It was established to bring culture, educational experience and unity to the LU campus.

Recreational |

The purpose of this organization is to provide an opportunity for every student to enjoy their college life and release their stress by playing badminton and building friendships with each other. Also, we are promoting badminton to people that are not familiar with it and try to make this sport become popular.

Diversity and Inclusion |

Promotes awareness and tolerance of the LGBTQ+ community and their allies. This group is open to all students.

Greek Organizations |

The Beta Psi Nu Christian sorority strives to promote God, family, and sisterhood in the lives of minority women. We aim to expand to other willing institutions, to make sure that all women have equal opportunity. The Beta Psi Nu Christian sorority exists to empower women, to uplift each other and the world. We encourage positive self-image, and high self-esteem.

Leadership Opportunities |
Creative Writing | Education | Marketing | Psychology | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Data Science | Accounting | Business Administration | Communication | Computer Science | Criminal Justice | Diversity Studies | Economics | Exercise Science | Graphic Design | History | Associate of Arts | Associate of Science | Mathematics | Music | Nursing | Chinese (Courses) | Cooperative Education | Professional Writing | Religion | Spanish | Sport Management & Leadership | Studio Art | English | Food Safety & Quality | Hospitality Management | Japanese (Courses) | Music Education | Music Performance | Nonprofit Management (Courses) | Organizational Leadership & Development | Philosophy (Courses) | Physics (Courses) | Political Science (Courses) | Sociology (Courses) | Teaching English as a Second Language |

This group of select individuals work directly with the Student Success and Engagement Team to welcome new students to campus through the Blue and Gold Days and the Fall Orientation program, as well as serve as peer mentors throughout the year for new freshmen. They also participate in leadership development programing and various student success initiatives throughout the academic year.

Greek Organizations |

In 1986 a group of 20 men decided to become Greek to be more visible on campus. The Betas have done many community service projects including Adopt-a-Highway, Boys & Girls Club service, and volunteering at regional walks. This fraternity is organized for the advancement of education, citizenship and community development.

Service and Faith |
Religion |

CRU is a Christian campus ministry organization formerly called Campus Crusade for Christ. Our mission is to multiply devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

Diversity and Inclusion |

The Black Student Union promotes the awareness of the African-American culture on campus and seeks to identify relevant issues and initiate appropriate action in order to support the needs of our African-American students to ensure their social, cultural, and academic success. It will also seek to provide enriching experiences and assure continuing development of progressive environment which is conducive to our African-American students in their quest to obtain a quality and meaningful education. This group is open to all students.

Recreational |

To support and promote school spirit by performing appropriate dances that represent the university with pride.

Musical & Theatre Organizations |
Music | Music Education | Music Performance |

Lakeland University Drumline is a dynamic, inclusive, multi-cultural student organization that creates excitement at sporting events, boosts spirit around the school, and allows musicians and non-musicians to express their interest in instrumental music.

Academic Organizations |

Enactus is an international organization that connects student, academic and business leaders through entrepreneurial-based projects that empower people to transform opportunities into real, sustainable progress for themselves and their communities. Guided by academic advisors and business experts, the student leaders of Enactus create and implement entrepreneurial projects around the globe. The experience not only transforms lives, it helps students develop the kind of talent and perspective that are essential to leadership in an ever-more complicated and challenging world.

Academic Organizations |
Chemistry & Biochemistry | Cooperative Education |

The purpose of this organization shall be to afford an opportunity for students of a chemical science to become better acquainted, to secure the intellectual stimulation that arises from professional association, to obtain experience in preparing and presenting technical material before chemical audiences, to foster a professional spirit among the members, to instill a professional pride in the chemical sciences, and to foster an awareness of the responsibilities and challenges of the modern chemist.

Academic Organizations |
Criminal Justice | Cooperative Education |

To enable students involved in learning about the Criminal Justice system and what it has to offer through a variety of jobs and positions. This organization is open to criminal justice majors/minors but we encourage all students to join for amazing demos, speakers and hands on experiences that happen outside of the classroom.

Service and Faith |
Exercise Science | Cooperative Education | Sport Management & Leadership |

We have a heart to serve, challenge, and positively impact the students at Lakeland University through our shared love of sports.

Recreational |

When Lakeland started its Dance Team, it turned to the nationally recognized program at Dollhouse Dance Factory in Sheboygan.

Click the link below to learn more about our Dance Team, and how you can join the team. 

Diversity and Inclusion |

The purpose of the Global Student Association is to promote, celebrate and embrace cultural diversity in the Lakeland University community.

Leadership Opportunities |

The focus of Gentlemen of Virtue is to build cross cultural relationships, provide professional student development opportunities, and create strategies to help men overcome challenges that will lead to staying in school, getting good grades and graduating!

Recreational |

Lakeland University offers eSports both competitively and recreationally. LU's varsity team will be co-ed and will be a member of the National Association of Collegiate Esports (NACE), which serves as the governing body to more than 150 colleges and universities setting standards for eligibility and conduct for collegiate esports.

Lakeland's team will compete in games such as League of Legends, Overwatch, Paladins, Rocket League, Smite, Fortnite, CSGO, Super Smash Brothers Ultimate and League of Legends. Additional games will be added in the future based on student interest and additions made by NACE.

Service and Faith |

Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit, Christian based, housing ministry that works to eliminate poverty housing. Habitat contends that every man, woman and child should have a decent, affordable, safe place to live. Lakeland's Habitat Chapter participates in local builds, hosts fundraisers and participates in an annual spring break trip.

Academic Organizations |
Marketing | Cooperative Education | Hospitality Management |

We strive to provide educational experiences for students in Hospitality Management. This will be accomplished through guest speakers, tours, community service events and trips. This is an organization that will explore the different areas of the hospitality industry and all that it has to offer.

Recreational |

Do you like to go bowling, or play laser tag? Or do you prefer outdoor experiences such as skiing, fishing, hunting, etc. This organization is for students who enjoy recreational experiences. Students involved in this group will plan and organize different indoor or outdoor activities both on and off campus.

Academic Organizations |
History | Cooperative Education |

The purpose of this organization is to promote history, the history department and all things historical. To foster the further interest in historical knowledge and assist students in learning about history.

Diversity and Inclusion |
Business Administration | Japanese (Courses) |

This group is dedicated to promoting a better campus understanding of Japan and the Japanese culture. JA is primarily a social group that serves as a forum for people to meet other who share interests in the Japanese culture.

Greek Organizations |

The Inter-Greek Council serves as the umbrella organization that recognizes and governs all social fraternities and sororities at Lakeland University. The purpose of IGC is to foster a unified community that upholds: Academic Excellence, Participatory Citizenship, Campus Involvement, Membership and Chapter Development.


Musical & Theatre Organizations |

Lakeland University’s Improv Team is a collection of students with sharp comedic reflexes and the ability to perform under pressure.

Leadership Opportunities |

Ladies of Virtue is a women's leadership and empowerment group on campus. Our goal is to help the women of Lakeland's campus establish and maintain healthy relationships with one another but also with women in the community through community service. We strive to better ourselves both professionally and academically.

Musical & Theatre Organizations |
Music | Music Education | Music Performance |

The Lakeland Jazz Ensemble is a combo-style instrumental jazz group. This ensemble provides students opportunity to investigate the stylistic characteristics of jazz and popular music through the performance and study of literature for large and small jazz ensembles; students will explore basic improvisation techniques. Varying in size, the ensemble includes woodwinds, brass, and rhythm section (piano, guitar, bass, drumset). Previous experience with jazz is advantageous but not required. MUS 228 – Jazz Ensemble may be taken as often as desired for 0 or 1 credit. Offered Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: Placement audition and instructor consent.

Musical & Theatre Organizations |
Music | Music Education | Music Performance |

The Lakeland University Concert Choir is an elite mixed-voice choir made up of the most skilled singers at Lakeland. In addition to performing on-campus concerts throughout the year, The Lakeland Choir showcases Lakeland's choral program by singing at local schools and churches, and by touring every other spring. Membership is open to all Lakeland students. Singing experience is an asset but not required. Music-reading is valued. The ensemble is a mixed voice (male/female) choir which sings a variety of songs from the Renaissance to the 20th century and including classical, contemporary, sacred, and showtunes. Students will explore music in a variety of languages and styles. MUS 235 The Lakeland Choir may be taken as often as desired for credit. Offered fall and spring. Prerequisite: None.

Musical & Theatre Organizations |
Music | Music Education | Music Performance |

The Symphonic Band is the campus' premiere instrumental ensemble. Membership is open to all Lakeland students, with a placement audition. The band performs a variety of diverse and challenging music including selections from the traditional wind band repertoire, as well as transcriptions of major classical literature and pops selections including musicals, film, and other contemporary music. The band program provides a large-group experience in which students have the opportunity to develop individual and ensemble musicianship, build relationships, and develop organization and leadership skills. In addition to four annual concerts, members go on tour every two years, and will also perform at selected university events throughout the year. Members of the Symphonic Band also serve as part of the Muskie Pride Marching Band during the Fall semester. MUS 225 – University Band may be taken as often as desired for 0 or 1 credit. Offered Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: None.

Greek Organizations |

Founded in 1932, Mu Lambda Sigma is the oldest Greek chapter at Lakeland. They are strong in brotherhood, tradition, and pride. They are a diverse group of individuals, from all walks of life, who have come together for the good of all.

Academic Organizations |
Accounting | Business Administration | Mathematics | Cooperative Education |

To promote the university's mathematics department, to provide a social forum for fun and educational math-related experiences, and to increase student awareness of opportunities in mathematical fields. It provides an opportunity for interested students to experience Mathematics outside the classroom environment.

Musical & Theatre Organizations |
Music | Music Education | Music Performance |

The Muskie Pride performs both field shows and parade marching, and acts as the pep band at Lakeland athletic events. Membership is open to all Lakeland students. The band plays for Lakeland home football games, selected basketball games, and other events. The group's repertoire includes a variety of pop/contemporary music including classic rock, funk, jazz, and musical/movie soundtracks. Band members have the opportunity to be part of a dynamic musical organization taking an active part in campus life while honing individual and ensemble musicianship, building relationships, and developing leadership skills. MUS 225 – University Band may be taken as often as desired for 0 or 1 credit. Offered Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: None.

Musical & Theatre Organizations |
Music | Music Education | Music Performance |
Musical & Theatre Organizations |

Whether it's through acting, stage management, costume design, scenery creation or lighting design and control, there's a place for you on the Lakeland University theatre team.

Learn More

Academic Organizations |
Psychology | Cooperative Education |

Psi Chi is an international honor society whose purpose is to encourage, stimulate, and maintain academic excellence, particularly in psychology, as well as advance the science of psychology. The goal of Lakeland University's chapter is to make the community aware of Psi Chi and the field of psychology.

Greek Organizations |

Founded in 1970, Phi Delta Omega owns a proud history of "service in threefold- God, community, and school." A diverse group in attitude and opinion, the Phi Delts are involved on and off campus with various activities including Adopt-a-Highway, the Giving Tree, Teddy Bear Toss, and Sexual Assault Awareness Week. They also strive to achieve high academic standards and success for each of our members.

Greek Organizations |

Founded in 1968, Pi Kappa Gamma is the oldest sorority at Lakeland University. It was established to help women come forward, be recognized, and express themselves. They build strong, life-long friendships and practice trust and loyalty. The Pi Kappas provide opportunities for friends to come together and share time to learn and grow while having fun.

Service and Faith |

Rotaract is a club that connects people locally and globally. Our mission is to promote peace, fight disease, provide clean water, help families, support education, and grow economies. In doing this we ensure we place others above self. Rotaract is a resource to bridge young professional to leaders in the community.

Academic Organizations |
Psychology | Diversity Studies | Cooperative Education | Sociology (Courses) |

The Psychology Club exists to provide information about finding a job with a Psychology degree, applying to graduate school, finding an internship, along with other topics of interest to students. The intent is to encourage psychology majors to connect with one another and the faculty, as well as encourage upper-level students to mentor first and second year students.

Leadership Opportunities |

Resident Assistants are a select group of students who work to create positive, inclusive, safe, and interactive residence hall experiences. RAs are valuable resources who provide support for individual development, civility, and responsibility in our living/learning communities.

Academic Organizations |
Communication | Cooperative Education | Spanish | Teaching English as a Second Language |

The purpose of the Spanish National Honor Society is the following: To honor those who attain excellence in the study of the Spanish language and in the study of the literature and culture of the Spanish-speaking, To honor those who have made the Hispanic contributions to modern culture better known in the English-speaking world. To encourage the university and university students to acquire a greater interest in and a deeper understanding of Hispanic culture. To foster friendly relations and mutual respect between the nations of Hispanic speech and those of English speech. To serve its membership in ways which will contribute to the attainment of the goals and ideals of the society.

Service and Faith |
Diversity Studies | Cooperative Education | Religion |

The purpose of this group is to use a combination of prayer, socialization, service, and action to further develop Christianity and other faith expressions within the Lakeland University Community.

Academic Organizations |
Communication | Cooperative Education | Spanish | Teaching English as a Second Language |

The Spanish Club's objectives are to promote interest in Latin culture and the Spanish community, to provide fellowship among students and faculty, to represent student needs and wants in regard to learning culture and communication, and to provide a forum for the presentation of innovative ideas to benefit of the university community.

Leadership Opportunities |

Select students review and award funding for various student proposed initiatives that demonstrate academic supplementation, intercultural relations, and school loyalty. This board also oversees proposals for new student organizations, and reviews status of campus organizations at the end of each academic year.

Academic Organizations |
Creative Writing | Marketing | Communication | Computer Science | Diversity Studies | Graphic Design | Cooperative Education | Professional Writing | English |

The Lakeland Mirror is the university newspaper. Students interested in news and feature writing, photography, creating cartoons, typing, editing, proofreading, and computer layout and design are invited to join the Mirror staff. You can earn one credit each semester by taking the Lakeland Mirror practicum class, which meets twice each week.

Academic Organizations |
Data Science | Business Administration | Computer Science |

Provide a community for future information technology business professional to reach their true potential by providing education, information, and trends based on relevant technology and business issues, with forums for networking and exploring.

Leadership Opportunities |

SGA's purpose is to provide a representative body through which students may participate in the formation of institutional policy impacting the overall sustainability of Lakeland University; and to further increase accurate communication between students, faculty, administration and alumni.

Greek Organizations |

The Zeta Chi Fraternity has been an organization of excellence on the Lakeland University campus since 1933. They are a Greek organization focused on hard work and dedication. Through campus and community service, they are a brotherhood committed to diversity and open-mindedness. Overall, this fraternity is an organization based on fun, trust, and friendship, enveloped with a brotherhood that is ever true to Zeta Chi.

Contact Us!

Any club or organization should use this form to notify the director of student activities of any activity, tournament or event that your club/organization would like to host. 

The notification ensures no overlapping of events or other activities happening on campus, and that any equipment or games needed will be available for use. 

The form should be submitted no later than two weeks before the activity. If you need to reserve space, please speak with All VanStelle (Campus Center) or Coach Utley (Fieldhouse). 

If you have a flyer or promotional materials, please attach them and we will post it to Lakeland TV and our student activities social media channels. 

If you have any questions, please contact LaJill Edge. 

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