Lakeland University Scholarships

Traditional Undergraduate Scholarships

Lakeland is committed to providing exceptional value at a manageable cost. That's why we offer a variety of scholarships to help make the cost of your education more affordable.

We also encourage all students applying for scholarships to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 

After gaining acceptance to Lakeland, you may begin applying for scholarships through your Future Muskie Portal. You will use the login information you created when you first applied to Lakeland to access the portal site. Each scholarship opportunity will be listed as a "Form" on your checklist.

If you have any questions or would like additional scholarship information, please contact your admissions counselor or the financial aid office!

Academic Scholarships

Academic scholarships for freshmen entering the traditional program may be awarded based on a review of students’ transcripts (academic rigor and cumulative, unweighted GPA). Scholarships range in total value between $48,000-$72,000. Annual awards are between $12,000-$18,000 and are renewable with designated Lakeland University GPAs.

Use the scholarship calculator below to quickly determine your potential academic scholarship.

Directions: Use your unweighted, cumulative high school GPA. Contact the financial aid office if you have any questions or would like additional information.


Please refer to the international student admissions page for scholarship information.

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Major-Specific Scholarships

Awards $500 - $2,000 per year. This scholarship is open to students who are undecided on their major.

On-campus interviews Dec. 2024.

Communication, Creative Writing (B.F.A.), English, Graphic Design, History, Music, Music Education, Music Performance, Religion, Social Justice Studies, Spanish, Studio Art, and Professional Writing

On-campus interviews Dec. 3, 2024.

Humanities & Fine Arts full-tuition scholarship recipients must uphold the following:
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0.
  • Complete a minimum of 24 credits per academic year.
  • Be actively working toward a degree in an HFA major.
  • Adhere to the codes of conduct stated in the University Student Handbook.

Chemistry & Biochemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Data Science, Education, Engineering Technology, Exercise Science, Food Safety & Quality, Mathematics, Nursing and Psychology

On-campus interviews Dec. 6, 2024.

Accounting, Business Administration, Hospitality Management, Marketing, Organizational Leadership & Development and Sport Management & Leadership.

On-campus interviews Dec. 5, 2024.

Participation Scholarships

Awards $500-2,000 per year to accomplished piano students, selected by audition. This award is renewable. Open to new, full-time freshmen or transfer students. Students must maintain enrollment in MUS 258 Collaborative Piano and may serve as accompanists to choral students, in the voice studio, or work with jazz or other ensembles as assigned by the piano instructor.

Priority application deadline for top awards is Feb. 1, 2025. Rolling application deadline for remaining awards is May 1, 2025. Auditions scheduled upon completion of application.

Awards $500 - $3,000 per year to qualified music students. Annual audition required, along with participation in a band or choral group at Lakeland. Open to new, full-time freshmen or transfer students. Renewable.

Priority application deadline for top awards is Feb. 1, 2025. Rolling application deadline for remaining awards is May 1, 2025. Auditions scheduled upon completion of application.

Awards $1,000 - $3,000 per year to qualified theatre performers and production assistants. Open to new, full-time freshman or transfer students. Audition required, along with participation in Lakeland’s productions. Renewable.

Priority application deadline for top awards is Feb. 1, 2025. Rolling application deadline for remaining awards is May 1, 2025. Auditions scheduled upon completion of application.

Specialty Scholarships

Awards $500–$2,500. This opportunity is for students interested in the field of Food Safety & Quality. Lakeland has partnered with local food manufacturers to create opportunities for students to work and learn about the food safety & quality field through this award. Renewable.

Priority application deadline is Feb. 1, 2025. Rolling application deadline for remaining awards is May 1, 2025.

Awards $1,000–$3,000 per year to qualified eSports student athletes. Open to new, full-time freshman or transfer students. eSports Head Coach may recommend scholarship amounts by observing try-outs, reviews of film, combines, tournaments, or season matchplay, as well as in-person or virtual campus visits.

Renewable. Priority award deadline of May 1, 2025.

Awards of $1,000 per year to qualified students who are blood relatives of LU alumni and have a 2.5 GPA or higher. Funds available on a first come first serve basis. Renewable.

Application deadline Feb. 1, 2025.

Awards one full-tuition scholarship to new, full-time freshmen of minority ethnicity. Preference is given to freshmen graduating from an inner city high school. Renewable.

Application deadline Feb. 1, 2025.

Awards full-tuition scholarships to selected students from Sheboygan County. A minimum cumulative high school GPA of 3.25 or a score of 27 or better on the ACT are required. Renewable.

Application deadline of Nov. 18, 2024. On-campus interviews are the week of Dec. 9-13, 2024.

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Awards of $1,000–$3,000 are available for new students eager explore the intersection of faith, reason and justice. Students must declare and maintain satisfactory academic progress towards a minor or major in Religion or Social Justice Studies, and participate in programing of the Ulrich Center for Philosophy, Ethics and Christian Thought. Open to new, full-time freshmen or transfer students.

Priority application deadline is Feb. 1, 2025. Rolling application deadline is May 1, 2025.

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This full-tuition scholarship is open to new, full-time freshmen with high financial need. Preference will be given to students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Renewable.

Application deadline April 1, 2025.

Awards $500–$3,000. Open to new, full-time freshmen demonstrating leadership and/or altruism. Supplemental materials and interview required. Renewable.

Priority application deadline for top awards is Feb. 1, 2025. Rolling application deadline for remaining awards is May 1, 2025. Interviews scheduled upon completion of application.

Have questions about scholarships? Please fill out this form and someone will be in contact with you.

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