Help Make A Difference!
Music has been an important part of Lakeland University’s history. Building on the legacies of music faculty like Henry Ellerbusch, Edgar Thiessen, Lew Schmidt and Janet Herrick, Lakeland’s music programs continue to grow and thrive. The undergraduate music program, ripe with experiential learning opportunities, is enjoying a spike in enrollment. Lakeland’s summer music camp, which has continued for more than 60 years, continues to educate and inspire hundreds of middle and high school students each summer. The Lakeland Band and Choir continue to go on tour in spring, and students enthusiastically joined our new Muskie Pride Marching Band, LU Drumline, and Muskie Tones a cappella vocal ensemble.
In 2021, Lakeland will further expand its music programs by becoming the new home of the internationally known Graduate Music program that was created by Holy Family College (formerly Silver Lake College of the Holy Family). This program, geared toward music educators, offers a Master of Music in Music Education – Kodály Emphasis degree, a Kodály Certificate (endorsed by the Organization of American Kodály Educators), and various workshop offerings. Lakeland will also offer an Orff-S chulwerk Level I certification program in the summer of 2021. This program provides training in pedagogy, movement and recorder with a grounding in play based educational methods.
For a number of years, alumni and friends of the Lakeland Music Department have supported the students and faculty of the program through their generous gifts to the Encore Circle. This year, the program is being updated to add a variety of benefits to those who give at various levels. These benefits will increase opportunities for lovers of Muskie Music to interact directly with students, faculty and guest performers throughout the year.
Your gifts will directly support programs and scholarships within the Music Department. You will have the choice to direct your gift toward music scholarships or toward the area of greatest need as determined by department faculty. This year, gifts could be used to support a number of items such as –
To increase the opportunities for supporters of Lakeland’s Music Department to interact with students, faculty and guest performers, VIP benefits are attached to various giving levels of support for the Encore Circle.
$500 - $999
$1 - $499