Lakeland University Graduation Eligibility

Who is eligible to participate in the 2025 ceremonies?

  • Fall 2024 graduates and anticipated spring 2025 graduates are eligible to participate in the 2025 commencement ceremony.
  • Summer 2025 anticipated graduates who are registered for no more than 12 credits in the summer term for degree completion are also eligible to participate in the 2025 ceremony.

Summer 2025 anticipated graduates with 13 or more credits to complete and fall 2025 anticipated graduates will be eligible to participate in the May 2026 ceremony. Please work with your academic advisor to determine degree completion status.

Students are eligible to participate in the Lakeland University commencement ceremony for each associate's, bachelor's or master's degree earned.

Students are not eligible to participate in the commencement ceremony who have returned to add new concentrations, emphases, minors, or majors to their original Lakeland degree at any level.

When will I receive my diploma? What will my diploma say?

You will receive your diploma in the mail after the term in which your degree requirements are completed provided a student's degree and program requirements have been met and the student account is free of any holds.

Diplomas are generally mailed six to eight weeks after term completion.

The diploma states your name, indicates the type of degree you have been awarded as well as academic honors if you earned them. Majors and minors are not listed on the diploma. Your major is listed in the graduation program and on your academic transcript.

Graduation honors

Bachelor's Degree candidates must have 48 credits in residence at Lakeland University earned or in progress and a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher to be eligible for academic honors.

Academic honor designations announced at the ceremony are based on the cumulative GPA for all coursework through the end of the fall 2024 term. Students eligible for academic honors are designated by wearing gold honor cords during the ceremony. Honor cords will be distributed to all students the day of Commencement when you check in.

Please note, honors are not awarded to associate or master's Degree students.

Official honors designations are recorded on the academic transcript and diploma.

What is my GPA?

Students can view their GPA information on their unofficial transcript via my.Lakeland.

Determination of Academic Honors and the issue of gold cords for ceremony is made on the basis of:

    • Cumulative GPA for all coursework completed by the final day of the fall term.
    • Calculation of earned (as of fall) and in-progress semester hours (spring and/or summer) of each individual student
    • Calculation to determine if student will have 48 semester hours at Lakeland University by end of degree.

Upon completion of all remaining courses and final grade submissions, a final determination occurs regarding academic honors.

Official university academic honors level designations may increase, be newly granted, or rescinded for any student once the final academic record assessment occurs.

    • Official honors designations are recorded on the permanent academic transcript and diploma.

Should a student have a question about their GPA, they can talk with their academic advisor or set up a virtual meeting with a staff member in the Registrar's office. To do so, email to request a meeting.

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