Lakeland University collaborates with students, faculty, and staff to ensure equal educational and programmatic access for eligible students with documented disabilities. We provide students the opportunity to reach their full potential by developing academic accommodations and support services along with promoting independence and self-advocacy for all students.
To be eligible for disability-related services at the post-secondary level, students must have a documented or visible impairment as defined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (1973), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA, 1990) and the ADA Amendments Act (ADA-AA, 2008). The ADA regulations broadly define disability impairments to include a wide variety of disorders or conditions including ADD/ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Medical/Health Conditions, Sensory Impairments, Learning Disabilities, Mobility/Physical Disabilities, and Psychological Disabilities.
In partnership with the Sheboygan Area School district, high school students may be dually enrolled, taking courses at their respective high school for Lakeland credit. Students who are receiving special education services through an IEP or a 504 plan may request a review of records to determine if those services may be reasonably and appropriately transferred to courses taken for credit at Lakeland. This form allows students taking courses for CAPP credit to request a review of their current IEP or 504 plan.
Please complete and return this Request for Accommodations form to:
Lakeland University Disabilities Office
Attn. Karen Eckhardt, ADA Coordinator
Hayssen Academic Resource Center
W3718 South Drive
Plymouth, WI 53073
Phone: 920-565-1021 ext. 2115
Fax: 920-565-1068