24 Frames

Oct 16th, 2024

7 p.m.

Bradley Theater

24 Frames

Organized by The Belladonna Films Project, the event will feature the stories of two local immigrant families told through a variety of artistic mediums by local performers, including Lakeland students.

24 Frames tells the stories of two immigrant experiences to the Sheboygan area. The first is the Sirchel family who started their journey out of East Germany in 1941. They immigrated to the US in 1957 and came to Plymouth, Wis. The second story begins with Vue as a young boy in Laos and his father’s decision to send him to school in France in 1971 so he would not have to fight in the Vietnam war. Vue’s parents moved to Sheboygan as refugees in 1978, and Vue followed in 1981. The show provides a window into two immigration Sheboygan between 1957 to 1981.

The show will happen as a live performance that incorporates video interviews and archival materials. The projection screen will serve as a backdrop for the show. It will include an interactive map that shows what’s happening with each person’s journey as they take us to different places in the world. The map will zoom in on specific locations and also to archival photos from the time. Intercut with the map will be video footage of interviews.

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