QPR Suicide Prevention training for students

Oct 22nd, 2024

Noon - 1 p.m.

Microsoft Teams

QPR Suicide Prevention training for students

Join Alex on Microsoft Teams for a one-hour training.

Please register by emailing Alex at Liosatosa@lakeland.edu

You will be sent a Teams link and a pre-training survey.

QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) is an evidence-based suicide prevention and awareness training with over 5 million people trained worldwide. This "Gatekeeper" training helps people recognize the early warning signs of suicide and provides information on how to intervene effectively and appropriately. After the training, participants receive a certification, which will remain valid for two years, as well as supplemental online materials. It's recommended to refresh the information every year so even if you've done this training in the past, you are welcome to attend again.

Key components covered in the training:

  • The common causes of suicidal behavior
  • The warning signs of suicide
  • How to get help for someone in crisis

Alex Liosatos is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). She is the director for counseling services at Lakeland University (Sheboygan campus). Alex has been a certified QPR trainer since 2018 and has trained hundreds of people to feel more confident when helping students, colleagues, family and friends who are dealing with mental health struggles.

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