Webinar: Joyful and Inspiring Kodály Music Instruction with Prof. Stephanie Schall-Brazee, Prof. Brent Gault & Prof. Frank Gallo

Feb 13th, 2023

4:30 p.m.


Webinar: Joyful and Inspiring Kodály Music Instruction with Prof. Stephanie Schall-Brazee, Prof. Brent Gault & Prof. Frank Gallo

Join Prof. Stephanie Schall-Brazee (Pedagogy Instructor), Prof. Brent Gault (Pedagogy and Musicianship Instructor) and Prof. Frank Gallo (Chair & Musicianship, Conducting, and Choral Ensemble Instructor) in this interactive webinar to learn more about Lakeland University’s Kodály Summer Graduate Music program.

Stephanie, Brent, and Frank will share the famed history of the Silver Lake/Lakeland Kodály Program and discuss what to expect in the courses they teach, the memorable and intensive two-weeks on-campus, and personal and professional transformations students experience. They’ll also review the various programs Lakeland offers to help students decide which program will be the best fit for them. These programs include the Master of Music in Music Education – Kodály Emphasis degree, OAKE (Organization of American Kodály Educators) endorsed Certificate program, AOSA (American Orff-Schulwerk Association) endorsed Certificate program, Levels 1 & 2, and many other non-credit workshop offerings including Exploring Hip-Hop Music Pedagogy, First Steps in Music, and Conversational Solfege –Lower Level, among others.

Webinar participants will be able to interact directly with Stephanie, Brent, and Frank to ask questions about Lakeland University’s program or other pedagogical topics.

This online seminar will be recorded. If you would like to listen to the webinar but cannot attend live, please register below. A link to the recording will be sent to your e-mail.

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